The 9th edition of the Environmental Consultative Committee (CCE) of thePaul Ricard Circuit gathered yesterday evening the circuit's management,departmental authorities, representatives of local elected officials and localresidents for an exchange on the subject of public tranquility.

Led by Stéphane Clair, General Manager of the Circuit Paul Ricard, andNathalie Reitzer, Director of Human Resources and Sustainable Development atthe Circuit Paul Ricard, this edition brought together about 80 peopleincluding residents of the circuit, residents' associations, elected officialssuch as Hélène Verduyn, Mayor of Signes, elected officials of Cuges Les Pins,but also representatives of the Prefecture of the Var, the Parc NaturelRégional Sud Sainte Baume, the association of companies in the Signes area(DELTA), the Gendarmerie of La Valette du Var, and the companies TotalEnergiesRenouvables and ORECA.

A very satisfactory acoustic measurement report

After the annual report of the activity of the Circuit Paul Ricard drawnup by Stéphane Clair, an acoustician of the company Azimut Monitoring presentedthe results of the measurements of sound emissions taken by the 4 beacons,located at the entrance of the circuit, at the Driving Center, in the Mistralstraight line and in the Bois Soleil housing estate.

No significant exceedance related to the activity of the circuit wasnoted. Only six days showed daily average levels above 95 dBA (tests andEuropean Le Mans Series competition in April 2022).

Strong measures to improve public tranquility

After this 2022 assessment, Stéphane Clair presented the circuit'sactivity schedule for the new 2023 season, informing about the upcomingatypical driving hours (beyond the authorized hours) and night competitions.

The circuit manager also reminded the new homologation order of August2, 2022 taken by the Var Prefecture. On the side of the delegated sportsfederations, more restrictive measures were announced for the years to come

A highly acclaimed project for shared self-consumption of electricity


Called in to consult, the OPTE firm presented the territory's projectfor the installation of photovoltaic panels within the PNR Sud Sainte Baume onalready artificialized spaces. For the areas of the Signes plateau, it is aquestion of installing photovoltaic power plants. With an estimated annualproduction of more than 3.5 million kWh for the circuit and the airport, thisself-consumption project has aroused the interest of local residents because itprovides for the possibility of redistributing at a preferential rate theelectricity thus produced to businesses and residents located within a radiusof 2 km

A calmer dialogue with the circuit's residents

This ninth Environmental Advisory Committee, with a record participationrate, showed that the dialogue between the circuit, the local residents and theauthorities has been well and truly established for several years and that themeasures implemented by the circuit are bearing fruit.

The 10th ECC will be held in December 2023.

Please note the new correspondence address of the Environmental AdvisoryCommittee: .