At the Circuit Paul Ricard we champion responsible motorsports, and the idea of protecting and innovating together. We are committed to preserving the beauty of the nature that surrounds us, respecting its fragile balance and acting in harmony with it.
We believe that diversity is an essential source of strength, enabling us to aspire to a more fulfilling future for all, and work actively to promote diversity and inclusion, defying preconceived notions about the world of motorsport.
It is our promise to future generations that we will leave them a world in which the passion for sport and the creativity of innovation exist in harmony with respect for our planet, championing human values above all else.

In 2019, the Circuit Paul Ricard is the first circuit in France and the second F1 circuit in the world to obtain the highest level of FIA environmental certification, namely 3 stars. This certification rewards the actions taken by the circuit for nearly 15 years to protect its environment.
In 2023, as part of its drive to go even further and involve all those involved in motor sports, the Circuit Paul Ricard became the first circuit in France to obtain the ISO 20121 standard "for the sustainable management of events.
Protecting the environment
- Preserving biodiversity
- Daily measurement of our impact (noise, air quality, etc.)
- Committed waste management
- Preserving our resources (water, electricity, etc.)
A dynamic for local and regional development
- A key player in local development
- An exemplary purchasing policy
- Developing sustainable mobility at local level
People at the heart of our strategy
- An exemplary social policy
- A commitment to public tranquillity
- A long-term commitment to charity

Circuit Paul Ricard strives to respect and fit harmoniously with its natural surroundings. In order to preserve the 150ha of green spaces at the site, an inventory of the wildlife surrounding the Circuit Paul Ricard was undertaken in 2018 that helped to identify a total of 183 species of plants and flowers, two species of bats, sixteen species of invertebrates, three species of reptiles, five species of amphibians, thirty-six species of birds and two species of mammals.

A well-maintained and preserved area
Seven gardeners work to maintain our 150 ha of parkland using environmentally-friendly methods:
- Planting of endemic species adapted to the climate (olive trees, pine trees, oleander, lavender, rosemary, etc.)
- Maintenance that does not involve the use of any pesticides or chemical fertilisers and careful pruning
- Systematic replanting (five trees replanted for every one cut down)

A special course
Opened to children in pre-school up to Year 7 and their families, a special course has been set up at Xtrem Park to show visitors the various environmentally-friendly initiatives that have been implemented at the circuit. The aim is to share, raise awareness and educate the next generation about eco-responsibility.

Bee health monitoring
The circuit monitors the quality of its environment using colonies of bees installed in two hives at the airport and the circuit’s entrance. Analysis of the bees, conducted twice per year, shows that the site has excellent air quality and that activity at the circuit has no significant impact on its environment.

Bee health monitoring
The circuit monitors the quality of its environment using colonies of bees installed in two hives at the airport and the circuit’s entrance. Analysis of the bees, conducted twice per year, shows that the site has excellent air quality and that activity at the circuit has no significant impact on its environment.

Measure of sound emissions
Circuit Paul Ricard has been measuring its sound emissions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for several years through four Hager Services acoustic measurement stations spread around the track:
- Circuit entrance
- Mistral start-finish straight
- Driving Center
- Bois Soleil (housing development outside of the circuit)
The level of sound emissions is permanently indicated in the video control room (race control). Results comply with current standards for each acoustic reading taken.

Measure of sound emissions
Circuit Paul Ricard has been measuring its sound emissions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for several years through four Hager Services acoustic measurement stations spread around the track:
- Circuit entrance
- Mistral start-finish straight
- Driving Center
- Bois Soleil (housing development outside of the circuit)
The level of sound emissions is permanently indicated in the video control room (race control). Results comply with current standards for each acoustic reading taken.

Reduction of sound emissions 24/7
In order to reduce the sound impact, the circuit has built an 800m-long, 8m-tall anti-noise mound between the Driving Center and the high-speed Signes corner. A 300 metre-long stretch of fast-growing hedge has been planted on the mound behind the grandstands and the go-karting track.

The Circuit is equipped with the Recycleat system for collecting and processing organic rubbish. The waste collected from circuit’s restaurants is dehydrated in a machine which produced compost used in green spaces. This innovation reduces a lot the quantity of waste.

Waste sorting and recycling
Circuit Paul Ricard has an efficient waste management policy enabling all recoverable waste to be sorted and recycled. Nineteen different types of waste are collected and sorted at the race track thanks to the investment in professional equipment dedicated to collecting and recovering waste:
- Six 15m3 waste-sorting skips: three for household rubbish, one for paper/card, one for plastic and on for wood
- An extra bin lorry (to optimise collection and reduce pollution)
- A clean-up machine to neutralize oils and fuels on the track
- Specific containers appropriate in every circuit zones: paddock, car parks, buildings, restaurants etc.
- Oil retention trays in the paddocks

Reduction of water consumption
Recovery of rainwater and run-off water from the track and car parks, channelled to the lake (60,000 m3) via a network of underground pipes and filtered through oil separators. The water from the lake is used to:
- Water the green spaces
- Water the track during on wet track tyre testing
- Provide a backup supply of water in the event of a fire
- Supply other non-potable sources of water

In order to reduce its impacts and preserve its natural environment, the Circuit Paul Ricard uses conservation grazing. Sheeps are good for carbon footprint but also allow to clear areas that are difficult to access (mounds and public grandstands)

Reduction of electricity consumption
- 20,000m² of photovoltaic solar panels are used as sunshades for vehicles in car park G. They produced approximately 3,484MWh of energy in 2019, the equivalent annual energy consumption of 2,968 people (excluding heating). All of the energy produced is redistributed via the local electricity grid.
- The reception chalet of the 4WD track is fully independent energy supply

Reduction of electricity consumption
- 20,000m² of photovoltaic solar panels are used as sunshades for vehicles in car park G. They produced approximately 3,484MWh of energy in 2019, the equivalent annual energy consumption of 2,968 people (excluding heating). All of the energy produced is redistributed via the local electricity grid.
- The reception chalet of the 4WD track is fully independent energy supply

Sustainable mobility
The circuit plays a significant role in reducing the consumption of fossil fuels:
- A large fleet of electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles for the technical teams (twelve scooters, five forklift trucks, three mobility scooters, a Twizy and a technical car)
- Electric and Tesla vehicle charging terminals at disposal for free at the Xtrem Park
- Contribution to development of the hydrogen sector by welcoming the first hydrogen production and distribution station in the Var region at the Xtrem Park
- Switch of technical and track safety vehicles to biodiesel

The Circuit Paul Ricard has a partnership with the French EFS (national blood service) and organizes many blood collections on site for circuit’s employees, its business tenants and also for the Signes business area’s companies.

Social policy
Promotion of gender equality: in terms of recruitment, the Circuit’s management do not apply any discrimination regarding sex, religion, ethnic origins or political opinions, and pay special attention to ensuring that women and men have the same access to training every year. The general index of professional equity between men and women is 95/100 with indicators:
- Salary gap: 36/40
- Individual pay increase rate’s gap: 35/35
- Maternity leaves’ return: non calculable
- High salaries: 10/10
Disabled and injured workers’ employment: Maintenance in employment of disabled staff members by adapting their positions.
Wellness in the company: the circuit offers its coworkers a weekly sports coaching session (fitness, muscular and cardio exercises) and a vast soundproofing plan in working spaces starts in 2021.

Durable charitable commitment
The Circuit Paul Ricard created partnerships with local charitable associations. These permanent links with local social life allow to create a true cohesion and make circuit’s sports and culture events more accessible.
The French partner associations: FACE Var, Nos Quartiers ont des Talents (NQT), Attrap’Rêves, Cœur de Pilote, L’Envol, Solidarité 06, Un peu de toit, Etablissement Français du Sang, SDIS 83

The Circuit Paul Ricard works mainly with long-standing local suppliers. 80% of service providers are from the PACA region, operating on site throughout the year. The Circuit Paul Ricard purchasing policy is geared towards promoting ecologically-designed or recycled products, and favours purchases in large quantities so as to reduce the amount of packaging and the number of deliveries involved.
The Circuit Paul Ricard is working on eco-responsibility charters with its customers and event managers at its site, but also with its service providers.

Public tranquility protection
The Environmental Consultative Committee is a public consultation meeting with different local representants and residents, organized twice a year by the Circuit Paul Ricard’s general management.
The Environment & Public Tranquility Commission is hosted by the circuit in the Motorsport Professionals Group (GPSM) in links with all French tracks. In 2016, this commission was recognized as a reference about sound emissions management by measuring all of them on different circuits in order to control the impact of sound emissions.

Eco-responsability charter
The Circuit Paul Ricard wants to support its customers in their eco-responsible actions and offers them to adhere to a charter reducing the impact of their events. The charter is made up of 9 main objectives:
- Objective 1 : move towards more responsible communication
- Objective 2 : integrate environmental aspects in the choice of services and procurement of supplies
- Objective 3 : encourage sustainable and alternative mobility
- Objective 4 : preserve public tranquility
- Objective 5 : opt for responsible catering
- Objective 6 : save energy consumption and optimize waste management
- Objective 7 : respect the site and natural resources
- Objective 8 : citizenship and solidarity
- Objective 9 : take stock of the responsible approach
Click on the thumbnails for more information.
For several years, the CPR has measured its noise output around the clock, 24/7. Four acoustic measurement stations are positioned around the site: at the race track entrance, along the Mistral straight, at the Driving Center, and adjacent to the Bois Soleil housing estate. For each acoustic reading taken, the measurements recorded comply with applicable standards.
In addition, the Environmental Consulting Committee is a public body bringing together various local stakeholders, where each year a presentation is made of technological innovations implemented in order to guarantee public order.
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