The F1 in Schools program is an educative challenge based on careers inscience, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM or STIM). The principleis simple: design and manufacture a maniaturized Formula 1 car.
As the Circuit Paul Ricard is the ideal place to discover Formula 1 jobs,the Xtrem Park is opening the first F1 in Schools center of excellence inFrance. Equipped with all the equipment necessary for the production of models,the Xtrem Park welcomes you and supports you in the design of your miniaturizedF1, whether you are registered for the national F1 in Schools competition orwhether you wish to discover this challenge.
Be part of the national F1 in Schools competition.
From 6 to 19 years old, you can sign up for the national F1 in Schoolscompetition. As a team, you will have the opportunity to build your Formula 1team. From the creation of the name to the production of the miniaturized car,through the establishment of a business plan and a communication strategy, youwill discover the different professions that form a Formula 1 team.
Through its equipment, the center of excellence of the Xtrem Parkaccompanies you in your project, from the design of the prototype to the teston a track of 20 meters.
Registration : click here
Information : click here
Build your own Formula 1 car.
From March and during all the year, Xtrem Park invites you to discover thischallenge and build your miniaturized F1 car.
In the classroom or in the center of excellence, the pupils, after findinga name for their team, will build and decorate their car. They can then test iton a 20 meters track!
Outside of school, children can enjoy the activity at Xtrem Park. Sessionsare organized on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays all year round and every dayduring holidays.
For the oldest ones, you can also build your miniature F1! The Xtrem Parkoffers this challenge for your seminars and your stag and hen parties: you mustassemble your model as quickly as possible and, above all, you must challengethe clock on the 20 meters track!
We look forward to introducing you to this unique challenge which will takeyou to the heart of Formula 1 world.
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