The Grand Prix Camions of le Castellet is back ! Wewill host, on 23rd and 24th april, the first round of the French Trucks Championship,with 31 trucks on track.

The racing cars will also show on track during this weekend :35 Caterham 420 R, 35 Caterham Roadsport, 35 CaterhamAcademy and 30 car of the European Lotus Cup will race.

As every year, the professionaltransport exhibition will take place at the circuit.

The event will be festive ! The200 decorated truck will be exposed and will parade on track during theweek-end. Many activities will enchant your weekend !


Prices :
Weekend ticket : 30€ instead of 35€ (until Sunday 3 April) ;
Saturday ticket : 25€ ;
Sunday ticket : 20€ ;
VIP pack from 148€ ;
Camping ticket : 31€.


Click here to buy your tickets.